
Meds Canada Cookie and GDPR Notice

Welcome to a Cookie-Free Zone!

Notice how we don't bother you with those annoying cookie consent notices? That's because we have chosen not to use cookies to track your activity or store information about your preferences. This means you can browse our site without any information being stored on your device through cookies. We believe in making your online experience as smooth and privacy-friendly as possible!

Our Commitment to Privacy and Transparency

At Meds Canada, we are committed to protecting your privacy and being transparent about our data collection practices. This notice explains how we handle data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable privacy laws.

Cookie Policy

Meds Canada does not use cookies on our website.

Unlike many websites, we have chosen not to use cookies to track your activity or store information about your preferences. This means you can browse our site without any information being stored on your device through cookies.

Data Collection

While we don't use cookies, we do collect certain data to improve our services and your experience:

Telemetry Data Collection

We collect anonymized telemetry data about how our website is used. This helps us understand how visitors interact with our site, allowing us to improve its functionality and user experience.

What We Collect

Meds Canada collects the following anonymized data:

  1. Page Views: We track the number of times each page is viewed by visitors.
  2. Visitor Count: We maintain a count of unique visitors to our site.
  3. Referrers: We identify the sources from which visitors arrive at our site, such as search engines or external links.
  4. Device Information: We capture basic device details like the type of device (e.g., mobile, desktop), browser, and operating system.
  5. Geographical Data: We collect anonymized geographical information like the country or region of visitors.
  6. Session Duration: We track how long visitors stay on our site.
  7. Bounce Rate: We measure the percentage of visitors who leave our site after viewing only one page.
  8. Traffic Sources: We identify where the traffic is coming from, such as direct visits, social media, or search engines.
  9. Anonymized IP Addresses: We collect anonymized IP addresses for location data and security purposes.

How We Use This Data

We use this anonymized data solely for:

  1. Analyzing website performance
  2. Identifying and fixing technical issues
  3. Understanding user behavior to improve our services
  4. Enhancing website usability and content

Data Anonymization

All data we collect is anonymized before storage and analysis. This means that we cannot identify individual users from the data we collect. We do not combine this anonymized data with any personally identifiable information.

Your Rights Under GDPR

Even though we only collect anonymized data, we respect and uphold your rights under the GDPR. These include:

  1. The right to be informed about our data collection practices (which this notice provides)
  2. The right to access any personal data we hold about you (note that we do not collect or store personal data through our website)
  3. The right to have your data erased
  4. The right to restrict processing of your data
  5. The right to data portability
  6. The right to object to data processing

Changes to This Notice

We may update this notice from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. We encourage you to review this notice periodically.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Cookie and GDPR Notice, our data practices, or your rights, please contact us via Email:

Email: privacy@medscanada.com

Last updated: August 2024

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